Generate Dataset
addpath('DeepMIMO_functions') dataset_params = read_params('DeepMIMOv2_example_1_params.m'); % Generate the dataset with the loaded parameters [DeepMIMO_dataset, dataset_params] = DeepMIMO_generator(dataset_params);
DeepMIMO Dataset Generation started Reading the channel parameters of the ray-tracing scenario O1_60 Basestation 1 Basestation 2 Constructing the DeepMIMO Dataset for BS 1 - Percentage completed: 100.0 Constructing the DeepMIMO Dataset for BS 2 - Percentage completed: 100.0 DeepMIMO Dataset Generation completed
Variable Inspection (BS-UE channel)
Select a transmit basestation and a receive user pair. Note: These variables will be used later to select a single user.
TX_BS = 1; RX_User = 1; % Let's check the size of the dataset size_of_BSuser_channel = size(DeepMIMO_dataset{TX_BS}.user{RX_User}.channel) % BS-user link information BS_user_link = DeepMIMO_dataset{TX_BS}.user{RX_User} % Channel path information BS_user_path_params = DeepMIMO_dataset{TX_BS}.user{RX_User}.path_params
size_of_BSuser_channel = 1 32 64 BS_user_link = struct with fields: channel: [1×32×64 single] rotation: [0 0 0] loc: [242.4230 297.1710 2] LoS_status: 1 distance: 92.6780 pathloss: 104.6560 path_params: [1×1 struct] BS_user_path_params = struct with fields: DoD_phi: [1×9 single] DoD_theta: [1×9 single] DoA_phi: [1×9 single] DoA_theta: [1×9 single] phase: [1×9 single] ToA: [1×9 single] power: [1×9 single] num_paths: 9 LoS_status: 1
Variable Inspection (BS-BS channel)
Select a transmit basestation and a receive basesation pair
TX_BS = 1; RX_BS = 2; % Let's check the size of the dataset size_of_BSBS_channel = size(DeepMIMO_dataset{TX_BS}.basestation{RX_BS}.channel) % BS-BS link information BS_BS_link = DeepMIMO_dataset{TX_BS}.basestation{RX_BS} % Channel path information BS_BS_path_params = DeepMIMO_dataset{TX_BS}.basestation{RX_BS}.path_params
size_of_BSBS_channel = 32 32 64 BS_BS_link = struct with fields: channel: [32×32×64 single] rotation: [0 0 0] loc: [287.5040 389.5040 6] LoS_status: 1 distance: 52 pathloss: 103.4520 path_params: [1×1 struct] BS_BS_path_params = struct with fields: DoD_phi: [0 0 179.5880 0 179.5880 0 179.5820 179.5820 0.1432 0.1432] DoD_theta: [90 102.1550 100.3180 99.9960 90 90 98.7150 90 90 93.6194] DoA_phi: [1×10 single] DoA_theta: [90 102.1550 100.3180 99.9960 90 90 98.7150 90 90 93.6194] phase: [1×10 single] ToA: [1×10 single] power: [1×10 single] num_paths: 10 LoS_status: 1
Visualization of a channel matrix
H = squeeze(DeepMIMO_dataset{TX_BS}.user{RX_User}.channel); subcarriers = 1:dataset_params.OFDM_sampling_factor:dataset_params.OFDM_limit; ant_ind = 1:prod(dataset_params.num_ant_BS); figure; imagesc(ant_ind, subcarriers, abs(H).'); xlabel('TX Antennas'); ylabel('Subcarriers'); title('Channel Magnitude Response'); colorbar;

Visualization of the UE positions and path-losses
bs_loc = DeepMIMO_dataset{TX_BS}.loc; num_ue = 100*181; % 100 rows of 181 UEs ue_locs = zeros(num_ue, 3); ue_pl = zeros(num_ue, 1); for ue_idx = 1:num_ue ue_locs(ue_idx, :) = DeepMIMO_dataset{TX_BS}.user{ue_idx}.loc; ue_pl(ue_idx) = DeepMIMO_dataset{TX_BS}.user{ue_idx}.pathloss; end % 3D Grid visualization with basestation figure; scatter3(ue_locs(:, 1), ue_locs(:, 2), ue_locs(:, 3), [], ue_pl); hold on scatter3(bs_loc(1), bs_loc(2), bs_loc(3), 'rx'); colorbar() xlabel('x (m)'); ylabel('y (m)'); zlabel('z (m)'); title('Path Loss (dB)') legend('UE', 'BS', 'Location', 'best') % 2D Grid Visualization figure; scatter(ue_locs(:, 1), ue_locs(:, 2), [], ue_pl); colorbar() xlabel('x (m)'); ylabel('y (m)'); title('UE Grid Path Loss (dB)') xlim([min(ue_locs(:, 1)), max(ue_locs(:, 1))]) ylim([min(ue_locs(:, 2)), max(ue_locs(:, 2))])