Ray Tracing Scenarios

Dynamic Doppler (DD1) Scenario
The ‘Dynamic Doppler’ ray-tracing scenario is an outdoor dynamic scenario of three streets and two intersection, with the top view (left) and the bird-eye view (right) shown in the figures above. The main street (the horizontal one) has 4 lanes (2 lanes in each direction) of mobile vehicles. These vehicles change their positions with every scene out of 2000 scenes ...

Boston5G Scenarios
The ‘Boston5G’ ray-tracing scenario is constructed based on a section of downtown Boston. The top view (left) and the bird-eye view (right) are shown in the figures above. This scenario consists of one base station at 15 m height and around 1,000,000 candidate users with 2m height spread across the two user grids ...

O1 (Outdoor 1) Scenario
The ‘O1’ ray-tracing scenario is an outdoor scenario of two streets and one intersection, with the top view (left) and the bird-eye view (right) shown in the figures above. The scenario consists of 18 base stations covering the streets and more than a million candidate users spread across three user grids ...

O1 Blockage (Outdoor 1 Blockage) Scenario
The ‘O1_blockage’ ray-tracing scenario is a variant of the 'O1' scenario, with the bird-eye view (left) and the top view (right) shown in the figures above. The scenario consists of one base station at 6m height, one blockage surface, two reflector surfaces, and ~490k candidate users with 2m height spread across the main street ...
O1_drone (Outdoor 1 Drones and Flying RIS) Scenario
The ‘O1_drone’ ray-tracing scenario is a variant of the 'O1' scenario, with the bird-eye view (left) and the top view (right) shown in the figures above. The scenario consists of one base station at 6m height, one flying reconfigurable intelligent surface (Flying RIS) at 80m height, and ~270k candidate drones spread across four drone grids with ~40-42m heights ...

O2 (Outdoor 2) Dynamic Scenario
The ‘O2’ ray-tracing scenario is an outdoor dynamic scenario of three streets and two intersection, with the top view (left) and the bird-eye view (right) shown in the figures above. The main street (the horizontal one) has 4 lanes (2 lanes in each direction) of mobile vehicles. These vehicles change their positions with every scene out of 1000 scenes ...

I1 (Indoor 1) Scenario
The ‘I1’ ray-tracing scenario is an indoor distributed massive MIMO scenario, with the top view (left) and the bird-eye view (right) shown in the figures above. The scenario comprises a 10 m x 10 m room with two tables, 64 antennas tiling up part of the ceiling, and more than 150 thousand candidate users spread across two user grids ...

I2 (Indoor 2) Blockage Scenario
The ‘I2’ ray-tracing scenario is an indoor room scenario, with the top view (left) and the bird-eye view (right) shown in the figures above. The scenario consists of a 7 m x 13 m room with (a) one access point (AP), (b) one wall imposing a line-of-sight blockage between the AP and the users, and (c) more than 140 thousand candidate users ...

I3 (Indoor 3) Scenario
The ‘I3’ ray-tracing scenario consists of a 10 m by 11 m conference room and its hallways, with the top view (left) and the bird-eye view (right) shown in the figures above. The conference room has two access points; each can operate in the same frequency band, a sub-6 band at 2.4 GHz or a mmWave band at 60 GHz. The scenario has more than 118 thousand candidate users in LOS and NLOS conditions ...